
news/2025/2/27 6:26:31
IndexReader reader = IndexReader

       .open(, true); // only searching,

Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);

String field = "starttime";

TermRangeQuery query = new TermRangeQuery(field,


ScoreDoc[] hits =, null, topnum).scoreDocs;

NumericRangeQuery:要使用它,首先要使用NumericField 给数字建索引(当然这个的term就是数字的了)。如果你的term是文本,那就是使用TermRangeQuery 。
public TermRangeQuery(String field,

                      String lowerTerm,

                      String upperTerm,

                      boolean includeLower,

                      boolean includeUpper)

Constructs a query selecting all terms greater/equal than lowerTerm but less/equal than upperTerm.

If an endpoint is null, it is said to be "open". Either or both endpoints may be open. Open endpoints may not be exclusive (you can’t select all but the first or last term without explicitly specifying the term to exclude.)


field – The field that holds both lower and upper terms.

lowerTerm – The term text at the lower end of the range

upperTerm – The term text at the upper end of the range

includeLower – If true, the lowerTerm is included in the range.

includeUpper – If true, the upperTerm is included in the range.


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